Proving Them Wrong

by | Aug 8, 2024 | Caregiver Reflections | 0 comments

Over the last year, I’ve heard my child described in ways that no parent wants to hear.

It shook me to the core. It broke me.

They said she is: out of control, aggressive, going to hurt someone, destructive, difficult.

I heard…

”You need to put your child on meds!”

“It was a horrible day.”

“She couldn’t keep it together.”

“She couldn’t be redirected.”

“She can’t handle waiting.”

Well, my girl is so much more than these words and assumptions.

She can: wait, take turns, keep her hands to herself, go into the community, be redirected.

She has done it many times this summer.

She was hours away from home for 8 days. She saw countless doctors in a big, overwhelming city.

She has gone to several places in the community such as parks, libraries, kid summer movies, church camp, restaurants, stores, carnivals, etc.

She never gives up. She proves to be resilient over and over again.

Is it always perfect? No.

We practice again and again.

We are patient. We are quick to redirect at her level. We help her be successful in her own way.

My girl is a ROCKSTAR.

I refuse to believe the one-sided accusations of some people. Your words do not define my girl.

Watch us prove you wrong.

This post was shared by Amanda at Pitt-fully Strong: A Sister Journey. Follow along with their story on Facebook.


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