Here you’ll find relevant essays related to raising a child with unique and complex needs. The purpose of these posts is to form connections through our shared stories. Stories have the power to change the world when we feel less alone in our struggles and finally seen.

Just Take A Break
Last week, I had an opportunity to take a mini vacation. My husband had to travel for work, so we

Caregiver Burnout
Something went wrong in the middle of spring. With little provocation, I began snapping at my loved ones. My body

Mental Energy: A Precious but Finite Resource
Mental energy. Cognitive load. Emotional bandwidth. Whatever we call it, we all have a certain amount we expend each day.

Proving Them Wrong
Over the last year, I’ve heard my child described in ways that no parent wants to hear. It shook me

Special Siblings
Family dinner at a restaurant. Nothing out of the ordinary to most families, but we aren’t most families. We are

Where Do We Go Now?
Amidst the everyday challenges as of late, there is something looming ahead in the horizon. If you’re anything like me,

Without My Daughter
“I know just how you feel, I lost my cat a year ago.” I tried to muster an appropriate response;

What Happens When Your Second Child is Diagnosed?
It’s not like we weren’t aware of Damek’s challenges early in his life. The speech delays at three years old,

Walking in the Wilderness: Seeking Out Hope in the Middle of the Mess
They showed another video from the series Healing Journeys by Andrew Womack at church today, and I didn’t cry. In

Today I am home with a sick child. My complex, disabled, and now ill child. I started the day annoyed

Alone in a Crowded Room: The Truth About Special Needs Parenting
Parenthood. It’s often touted as a miraculous journey filled with love, joy, and a sense of purpose— a transformative experience

(In)Visibility: How My Daughter and I Can Be Both Highly Visible and Completely Overlooked
The world of special needs parenting is full of paradoxes. One of the most unexpected is how we and our