
Select a category below to browse resources in our database. We are a United States-focused database. If there is a resource you are in need of, please reach out to us at


ALSO is one of Oregon’s nonprofit disability support services providers in the Portland Metro area, Deschutes County, Klamath County, Umatilla County, Josephine County, Jackson County and Harney County. Founded in 1997, we are committed to full community inclusion and independence for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We provide the best person-centered residential supported living services for individuals and families in their homes, workplaces and communities. We provide employment opportunities and services to ensure that the people we support live the life of their choosing. We see ability, not disability. Our work is Heart Work.

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Alyssa V. Phillips Foundation

Alyssa V. Phillips Foundation focuses on assisting children who have been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. They provide grants for families with this diagnosis on their website.

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AM to PM Podcast

Sharing the challenges, problems, and victories of marriage, parenting, teenagers, and special needs.

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AngelSense includes a GPS tracking device, assistive speakerphone, live monitoring and proactive alerting for your loved one who might wander or elope.

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Anne Carlsen

Anne Carlsen is a statewide leader in residential facilities for children and young adults with complex medical needs or behavioral disorders. We believe children and young adults of all abilities deserve the opportunity to live and thrive in an environment that enhances their potential. Located in Jamestown, ND.

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Ask a Special Education Attorney

This is a facebook group for people to ask questions to an attorney who specializes in situations that may arise as a special needs family.

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AstraZeneca has a program that allows you to more easily afford medications that you or your child might be in need of. They have a few different options available such as copay savings or patient assistance programs.

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Autism Breakthrough

As a boy, Raun Kaufman was diagnosed by multiple experts as severely autistic, with an IQ below 30, and destined to spend his life in an institution. Years later, Raun graduated with a degree in biomedical ethics from Brown University and has become a passionate and articulate autism expert and educator with no trace of his former condition. Thanks to the Son-Rise Program, a revolutionary method created by his parents, Raun experienced a full recovery from autism. In Autism Breakthrough, Raun presents the ground-breaking principles behind the program that helped him and thousands of other families with special children. Parents and educators learn how to enable their children to create meaningful, caring relationships, vastly expand their communications, and to participate successfully in the world.

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Autism Breakthrough of Knoxville

Founded by parents of children with autism, Autism Breakthrough of Knoxville, a 501c3 non-profit organization, is changing the way autism services are provided in Tennessee. Breakthrough was founded in 1999 by a group of parents who wanted to make sure their children were supported after graduating out of the school system. The organization has grown each year as we continue to improve the lives of adults with autism and other intellectual and developmental disabilities. Located in Knoxville, TN.

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Autism Care Today

Autism Care Today can provide your special needs family with a grant for up to $5,000. These grants are designed to provide access to individuals and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders. They also have special grant opportunities for military families.

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Autism Family Network

Dedicated and committed to Bridging the Gaps within our communities for those individuals on the Autism Spectrum and those with Special Abilities, through creating inclusive and proactive events, while providing educational resources, public awareness and a collaborative network of acceptance for all to reach their untapped potential.

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Autism Gym

The goal and/or mission of our program is to establish a center with recreational programs for individuals with autism and related disorders where innovative ideas come together to enhance the lives of individuals and their families. To build new friendships, promote learning, community involvement and disability awareness.  Someplace where the body, mind and spirit are supported in attaining their full potential, allowing support for the family in healing and normalizing their lives to the highest degree possible.

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Autism Home Network

Autism Home Network is an organization that provides family respite care for special needs families. They can provide respite care in a variety of locations across the United States, so reach out to them and see if it is a good fit for your family!

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Autism Housing Pathways

Autism Housing Pathways works to educate families in Massachusetts about housing options for adults with developmental disabilities. Located in Winchester, MA.

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Autism on the Seas

Our Mission is to enrich the lives of families with autism and other developmental disabilities by providing the support required for family bonding, stress relief opportunities, reducing disability travel related barriers, and increasing public empathy through our financial assistance programs that help provide community support systems, travel subsidies, professional staffing services, quality of life research, and professional consultation and training to the travel industry.

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Autism Parenting Magazine

Autism Parenting Magazine is an award winning publication aimed at improving the quality of life for families affected by autism. We believe in the potential of every child with autism and the magazine has become an essential resource for parents around the world.

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