Strength Not Weakness

by | Sep 14, 2021 | Caregiver Reflections | 0 comments

As written by Kim Mcisaac from her blog @Autism Adventures with Alyssa

Mental health struggles are real and can be dark.

You can lose your ability to cope and even to care.

It can push you to the point that you can barely get out of bed or shower. It can literally paralyze you. Except when you’re a mom, especially a mom to a child with special needs you don’t have that luxury. You have to get up and at least do the bare minimum to keep everyone safe and cared for.

It takes all your mental energy. At times you don’t even know why you feel this way. You become numb and everything feels so heavy. You walk through the motions of your day with no feeling. Sometimes you don’t even realize what an unhealthy place you are in. You will silently beg for something to make it stop.

It is hell on Earth.

Things feel so big. You feel so weak so tired, mentally tired, and you feel so powerless to fight it, to make it stop. You feel like you are losing control and you begin lose interest in the things you love, that being you joy.

Everyone’s bottom feels different. There comes a point where you can’t do it alone, you need help to pull you out of the darkness.

Asking for help can be so hard, it can feel so defeating.

We have this unrealistic pressure on us to be strong, to keep up. Asking for help doesn’t make you weak it actually takes incredible strength.

It is difficult to put your vulnerabilities out there, to risk rejection, judgement, and feelings of inadequacy. It takes a lot to have the courage to put aside your self doubt and seek help.

Make the phone call, say it out loud and give yourself grace. Always remember how important you are. You matter!

We all need a little help sometimes and that’s okay. We all need love and to allow ourselves to heal. Admitting that and letting out guard down is what takes the most strength.


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