autism Archive

I Wish My Son Didn’t Have Autism

I Wish My Son Didn’t Have Autism

By: Eileen at The Autism Cafe Why is this even a taboo thing to say? The truth is I wish Charlie didn’t have autism. There, I said it. It’s not politically correct, but I know that many autistics,...

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Chasing Sleep

Chasing Sleep

Written By: Sherica Scherer Autism is typically accompanied by other comorbidities suck as anxiety, ADHD, sleep disorders, epilepsy, and gastrointestinal issues to name a few. Elijah was a decent...

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Try Harder

Try Harder

As written by Paige Carter from her blog @OakforAutism "Can't you try harder?" These words were said to me by a nurse last Wednesday whilst trying to get my son to take a disgusting sedative...

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When Losing Hope isn’t an Option

When Losing Hope isn’t an Option

The following guest blog post was written by Michelle Kiger of My Redhead Warriors The last thing I ever want to do is lose hope. When our life gets really hard I try to think of our past. Look back...

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