special needs non-profit Archive

When He Prays

When He Prays

As written by Lindsay Criswell from her blog @Branch and Stone Studio My son cannot usually answer open ended questions. He may not look you in the eye. My son might come by your side, but then he...

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I Feel Myself Slowly Deteriorating

I Feel Myself Slowly Deteriorating

As written by Melissa Gill from her blog page @My Journey With Jackson I honestly never realized how coping with Jackson’s extreme needs would affect me physically. I had read about the effects from...

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Manna for the Moment

Manna for the Moment

Luke has been back in school for about a week now. Experts claim that special needs caretakers often experience PTSD, and I particularly notice this tendency when I don’t have him on my radar for an...

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Luke’s Brain

Luke’s Brain

I often struggle to understand or explain Luke’s thought process to others. Luke, my 15 year old primarily non-verbal son with profound special needs. Friends, bystanders or even specialists will...

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A Glimpse – I Choose Hard

A Glimpse – I Choose Hard

“You and Ryan seem so calm” A phrase I often heard when Luke was in PICU for almost 4 weeks this past December and into January. We probably appeared calm because we’ve experienced the worst case...

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I spent an intense morning with Luke at the eye doctor. Honestly, we’ve been frequenting doctor’s offices most days. Yesterday was PT for Ryan, today, eye doctor for Luke, tomorrow PT for Ryan,...

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