Coffee with Caregivers Podcast

Join Jess Ronne, author, speaker, and caregiver advocate, as she chats with caregivers about the joys and trials of raising a child with complex needs

Learn More & Listen


UNSEEN Documentary

How We’re Failing Parent Caregivers & Why It Matters

The Lucas Project sponsored the production of an independent documentary about the hidden mental health crisis among special needs caregivers. The film features the Ronne family and their ongoing struggle to find resources and support while battling PTSD and overwhelming anxiety.



UNCERTAIN: Documentary

The Search for Supported Living

The Lucas Project is sponsoring the production of a new independent documentary caregivers search for supported living solutions for their loved ones.


Speaking Engagements

Jess Ronne, founder & CEO of The Lucas Project, is available for speaking engagements on topics including: blended family, special needs, caregiving awareness, death, grief, large families, motherhood, healthy living, balancing work and family, hope, and faith. Contact us for details and booking.


Caregiver’s Cove Group

Caregiver’s Cove is a private support group where caregivers can find a safe place to connect with other caregivers. Our motto is “the child is only as healthy as the caregiver” and our mission is to come together to make the world a brighter, healthier place for all.


We need your support to continue our mission to recognize special needs families. Will you help?