Care Packages

We offer a bit of in-home respite to caregivers through our care packages, which are simply small tokens of appreciation. These care packages include spa items, gourmet coffees and teas, and simple gifts that acknowledge the hard and holy work that occurs within caregiving homes around the country. Every $25 you donate provides one care package!


Respite Days

We are partnering with Rose Park Reformed Church in Holland, Michigan to provide once monthly respite care to parent caregivers in the West Michigan Area.

Respite Survey

Please take the survey below so we can see how to best serve the community’s needs!


Respite Grants

We provide a limited number of $1,000 grants to organizations and individuals who want to host respite days in their community.

Apply for a Grant

Nominate a Caregiver to Receive a Care Package

Do you know a deserving special needs caregiver who needs a pick-me-up? Let us know!

nominate a caregiver

We need your support to continue to provide respite to special needs families. Will you help?